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Skyllis, Jahrgang 18

Heft 1

Amphoras of Asia Minor, 800-100 B.C. Progress and Challenges

Mark L. Lawall

Transportamphoren als Zeugnisse des antiken Lebens Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Keramikgattung

Marek Palaczyk

Transport amphoras as interlinks in the ancient world

Nikoline Sauer

Petrological Analysis of Amphorae A Methodological Perspective

Ian K. Whitbread

Clays, Amphoras and Workshop Locations of Ancient Rhodes

Lisa Betina, Stella Skaltsa

Minding and Fillig the Gaps Exploring the Production, Technology and Trade of Koan Amphorae during the Hellenistic and Roman Periods

Viktoria Georgopoulou, Anno Hein, Dimitris Grigoropoulos

A note on the so-called fabricants of Knidian amphorae

John Lund

Archaic Amphorae from Taxiarchis Hill, Didyma
Alexandra Ch. J. von Miller

Amphorae from Priene Current State of Research and Perspectives
Lars Heinze

Transport Amphorae in Pergamon - International, Regional, Local?

Sarah Japp

Past and Future Adventures of the Pergamon Deposit

Anneke Keweloh-Kaletta, Nicole Neuenfeld

Lokale Keramikproduktion in Elaia und ein neuer Typ der Late Roman Amphora

Güler Ateş

Petrographic Analysis of Amphorae from the Eastern Aegean in Pannonia Preliminary Results

Anna Andrea Nagy, György Szakmány, Piroska Magyar Hárshegyi

Roman to Early Byzantine Amphoras from Miletus (Turkey) Archaeological and Archaeometric Research

Nico Schwerdt

No Fear of Amphoras!
The Current State of Processing Amphoras from Humeitepe/Miletus

Sabine Huy

Die Amphoren aus dem Grottenheiligtum am Osthang von Pergamon Überlegungen zu Chronologie und Konsumptionspraxis
Benjamin Engels
Tools for the Identification and Study of Amphoras: Databases, Corpora, and Catalogues

Gerald Finkielsztejn


Heft 2

Nachruf auf Sebastiano Tusa (2.8.1952 - 10.3.2019)

Winfried Held


Submerged Stone:

An Overview of Worked-Stone Assemblages off the Crimean Peninsula

John A. Albertson - Yana Morozova


Ballast Stones from the Akko Tower Shipwreck

A Petrographic and Geo-Archaeological Study Based on Underwater Archaeology

Amir Bar


Re-Evaluation of the Production Method of the Khufu-1 Sheer Planks

Preliminary Results

Moshe Bram


The Maritime Trade of Roman Patara

Preliminary Remarks on the Amphorae

Erkan Dündar


The Necessity of Changing the Methodology of Preserving Waterlogged Wooden Objects

The Case of a Palaeolithic Wooden Point from the Ljubljanica River

Miran Eric - Enej Gucek Puhar - Ales Jaklic - Franc Solina


The Ancient Ship Wreck of the Late 4th / Early 3rd Century BC

at Kinburn Spit, Black Sea (Ukraine)

Vyacheslav Gerasimov - Roman Reyda - Oleksandr Smyrnov - Piotr Prejs


Die Seevölker

Überlegungen zu ihrer Herkunft

Hristomir Smilenov Hristov


Fishing and Disposing ?

The Use of a Lake Shore Zone at the Stone Age Site Dabki, Poland

Agnes Kotula - Agnieszka Czekaj-Zastawny - Jacek Kabacinski - Thomas Terberger


The Intangible Maritime Cultural Heritage Project

Recording and Interpreting the Role of Maritime Professions in Cyprus

Maria Ktori


The Holding Power of Bronze Age Stone Weight Anchors

Ayelet Miller - Deborah Cvikel - Yoav Me-Bar


Analysis of Recent Anchor Finds and Artificial Anchorages

Maritime Activity on the Dead Sea - Local Traditions and Global Interactions

Asaf Oron - Ehud Galili - Gideon Hadas


So fern, so nah - Nächste und Nachbarn

Netzwerke seldschukischer Architektur im Hafen von Alanya/Türkei

Anja Rutter


Der Hafen und der Leuchtturm von Aigeai

Mustafa H. Sayar


The Ancient Submerged City of Akra in the Cimmerian Bosporus

Viktor Vakhoneev - Sergey Solovyov


Auf den Spuren der Maritimen Seidenstraße

Eine deutsch-iranische Kooperation

Luisa Goldammer


Report on the „Underwater Cultural Heritage Forum“

at the Foreign Office in Berlin

Anne-Kathrin Piele


Die Umsetzung des UNESCO-Übereinkommens

über den Schutz des Unterwasserkulturerbes durch die Schweiz

Maria Stemmler

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