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In Poseidons Reich XI

2006 | 17.-19.02.06 Frankfurt a.M.

Our eleventh conference on 17. to 19.02.2006 was held in cooperation with the Institute for Archaeological Sciences, Dpt. II of the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University in Frankfurt a. M. This time, our conference was dedicated to "Transport ceramics: An article of mass production as key to the history of economics and trade in the ancient world".

Dr. Regina Attula | Institut für Altertumswissenschaften, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald

Transport amphorae and relief pithoi from the Knidian peninsula. Results of interdisciplinary research on eastern Doric ceramics.

Dr. Kalliopi Baika | Department of Classics, Royal Holloway University of London

Pirate activity and surveillance of trade routes: New archaeological evidence from the rock-cut slipways in the Aegean Sea.

Dr. Kalliopi Baika (photo) | Department of Classics, Royal Holloway University of London, Dr. Dimitra Kamarinou | Institute of Mediterranean Research and Education, Athens

Homeric references to aspects of ancient trade in the view of the archaeological and later philological data.

Ofra Barkai (photo), Prof. Dr. Yaacov Kahanov | Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa, Dr. Sabine Klein | Institut für Geowissenschaften, Facheinheit Mineralogie, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt

The Tantura F Shipwreck - Analysis of the Ceramic Material.

Dr. Hélène Bernard (photo), Marie Pierre Jézégou | Départment des Recherches Archéologiques Subaquatiques et Sous-Marines [DRASSM]

West Embiez 1 wreck: a secondary cargo of vintage wine amphoras at the transition II-III A.D.

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Peter Brey (photo), Dr. Sabine Klein | Institut für Geowissenschaften, Facheinheit Mineralogie, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Modern analytical methods in archaeometry.

Prof. Dr. Octavian Bounegru | Facultatea de Istorie, Alexandru-Ioan-Cuza Universitatea, Iasi

NAVES ACTUARIAE - Sea-going ships used for amphorae transport in Roman times? An iconographic and historical examination.

Dr. Deborah N. Carlson (photo) | Nautical Archaeology Program, Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University, Dr. Mark L. Lawall | Classics Department, University of Manitoba

Towards a Typology of Erythraian Amphoras.

Dr. Franca Cibecchini | Dipartimento Scienze Storiche Mondo Antico, Università di Pisa

The unsolved question of Graeco-Italic amphorae: Some solutions from wrecks.

Deborah Cvikel | Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa

The Dor 2002/2 shipwreck and its construction details: Was it one of Napoleon's vessels?

Nancy G. DeBono | Nautical Archaeology Program, Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University

The classification of Canaanite amphoras.

Katerina Della Porta | Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, Athens

The trade of works of art; the youth of Kythnos.

Dr. Ulrike Ehmig | DFG-Projekt Amphoren Dangstetten / Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften Abteilung II, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Roman amphorae: Potentials and limitations of their expressiveness.

Dr. Thomas Förster | archaeomare - Institut für marine & maritime Forschung e.V.
Ceramic transports across the Baltic Sea. Investigations of harbours and wrecks off the coast of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Souen Deva Fontaine (photo), Dr. Danièle Foy | LAMM - Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme Aix-en-Provence

Raw glass, vessels and windows glass: The main cargo of Embiez wreck in the South of France (third century A.D.).

Dr. Zaraza Friedman | Haifa

Sea trade as reflected in mosaics.

Arvid Göttlicher | Bremervörde

Nautical aspects in Xenophon's Anabasis.

Dr. Daniela Gräf | Berlin

Boat mills in Europe – from early medieval to modern times.

Dr. Elizabeth S. Greene (photo) | Department of Classics, Rutgers University - New Brunswick, Dr. Mark L. Lawall | Classics Department, University of Manitoba - Winnipeg

Amphora capacities in early monetary Asia Minor: The Pabuç Burnu

Dr. Marcus Heinrich Hermanns | Mönchengladbach

Lamps on board of ships: Merchandise or on-board usage?

Dr. Karin Hornig | Freiburg

Recycling of amphorae for maritime purposes.

Dr. Mark L. Lawall | Classics Department, University of Manitoba - Winnipeg

Deep water survey and amphoras: A terrestrial ceramicist's point of view.

Justin Leidwanger | Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A&M University, Graduate Group in Art & Archaeology of the Mediterranean World, University of Pennsylvania

The Cypriot transport amphora: Notes on its development and distribution.

Dr. Maria Constanza Lentini (photo), Dr. S. Savelli | Soprintendenza di Messina, Museo Archeologico Giardini Naxos, David J. Blackman (photo) | Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, University of Oxford

Transport Amphoras from the Shipsheds of Sicilian Naxos ( 5th Century B.C.).

Prof. Dr. Nili Liphschitz | Botanical Laboratories, Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, Prof. Dr. Cemal Pulak | Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A&M University

Wood species used in ancient shipbuilding in Turkey as evident from dendroarchaeological studies.

Paraskevi Micha | Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, Athens

Amphora wrecks in the Aegean.

Dr. Francesco Muscolino | Università di Messina

Deposits of Early-Imperial amphorae from the harbour area of Naxos.

Dr. Gloria Olcese | Dipartimento di Scienze archeologiche e storiche del mondo classico e orientale Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia Università di Roma La Sapienza

Greco-Italic amphorae: Production and spread.

Dr. Claudia Pizzinato (photo) | Nucleo di Archeologia Subacquea Centro Alto Adriatico (NAUSICAA), Venezia,  Dr. Alessandra Toniolo | Soprintendenze Beni Archeologici del Veneto, Omar Eugenio Salmasi | Archeotecnica

Ceramic materials used in building: The shore line works discovered in the beds of the Venice Lagoon.

Dr. Luis Pons Pujol, Dr. Felix Teichner (photo) | Department de Prehistoria, Historia Antiga i Arqueologia, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona

Roman sea trade across the Straits of Gibraltar. An ancient 'anti-economic' practice?

Irena Radic Rossi | Croatian Conservation Institute, Underwater Archaeology Department, Zagreb

The origin and function of the amphoras' spike.

Wolfgang Schultheis (photo) | Oberhausen, Dr. Hélène Bernard, Départment des Recherches Archéologiques Subaquatiques et Sous-Marines [DRASSM]

The Roman wreck at the Perduto reef, Corsica.

Dr. Claudia Swart | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Arbeitsgruppe Anorganische Umweltanalytik, Berlin

The course of an analysis with samples of a siliceous matrix exemplified with Roman tiles.

Dr. Alessandra Toniolo | Soprintendenze Beni Archeologici del Veneto

The cargo of the Grado 1 wreck: Re-use and recycling in Roman Imperial times.

Dr. Ünsal Yalçın | Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Fachbereich Archäometallurgie

The ship of Uluburun – Globalisation in the Late Bronze Age.



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