In Poseidons Reich XI
Our eleventh conference on 17. to 19.02.2006 was held in cooperation with the Institute for Archaeological Sciences, Dpt. II of the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University in Frankfurt a. M. This time, our conference was dedicated to "Transport ceramics: An article of mass production as key to the history of economics and trade in the ancient world".
Dr. Regina Attula | Institut für Altertumswissenschaften, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald Transport amphorae and relief pithoi from the Knidian peninsula. Results of interdisciplinary research on eastern Doric ceramics. |
Dr. Kalliopi Baika | Department of Classics, Royal Holloway University of London
Pirate activity and surveillance of trade routes: New archaeological evidence from the rock-cut slipways in the Aegean Sea. |
Dr. Kalliopi Baika (photo) | Department of Classics, Royal Holloway University of London, Dr. Dimitra Kamarinou | Institute of Mediterranean Research and Education, Athens Homeric references to aspects of ancient trade in the view of the archaeological and later philological data. |
Ofra Barkai (photo), Prof. Dr. Yaacov Kahanov | Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa, Dr. Sabine Klein | Institut für Geowissenschaften, Facheinheit Mineralogie, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt The Tantura F Shipwreck - Analysis of the Ceramic Material. |
Dr. Hélène Bernard (photo), Marie Pierre Jézégou | Départment des Recherches Archéologiques Subaquatiques et Sous-Marines [DRASSM] West Embiez 1 wreck: a secondary cargo of vintage wine amphoras at the transition II-III A.D. |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Peter Brey (photo), Dr. Sabine Klein | Institut für Geowissenschaften, Facheinheit Mineralogie, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt Modern analytical methods in archaeometry. |
Prof. Dr. Octavian Bounegru | Facultatea de Istorie, Alexandru-Ioan-Cuza Universitatea, Iasi
NAVES ACTUARIAE - Sea-going ships used for amphorae transport in Roman times? An iconographic and historical examination. |
Dr. Deborah N. Carlson (photo) | Nautical Archaeology Program, Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University, Dr. Mark L. Lawall | Classics Department, University of Manitoba Towards a Typology of Erythraian Amphoras. |
Dr. Franca Cibecchini | Dipartimento Scienze Storiche Mondo Antico, Università di Pisa The unsolved question of Graeco-Italic amphorae: Some solutions from wrecks. |
Deborah Cvikel | Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa The Dor 2002/2 shipwreck and its construction details: Was it one of Napoleon's vessels? |
Nancy G. DeBono | Nautical Archaeology Program, Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University The classification of Canaanite amphoras. |
Katerina Della Porta | Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, Athens The trade of works of art; the youth of Kythnos. |
Dr. Ulrike Ehmig | DFG-Projekt Amphoren Dangstetten / Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften Abteilung II, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt Roman amphorae: Potentials and limitations of their expressiveness. |
Dr. Thomas Förster | archaeomare - Institut für marine & maritime Forschung e.V. |
Souen Deva Fontaine (photo), Dr. Danièle Foy | LAMM - Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme Aix-en-Provence Raw glass, vessels and windows glass: The main cargo of Embiez wreck in the South of France (third century A.D.). |
Dr. Zaraza Friedman | Haifa Sea trade as reflected in mosaics. |
Arvid Göttlicher | Bremervörde Nautical aspects in Xenophon's Anabasis. |
Dr. Daniela Gräf | Berlin Boat mills in Europe – from early medieval to modern times. |
Dr. Elizabeth S. Greene (photo) | Department of Classics, Rutgers University - New Brunswick, Dr. Mark L. Lawall | Classics Department, University of Manitoba - Winnipeg Amphora capacities in early monetary Asia Minor: The Pabuç Burnu |
Dr. Marcus Heinrich Hermanns | Mönchengladbach Lamps on board of ships: Merchandise or on-board usage? |
Dr. Karin Hornig | Freiburg Recycling of amphorae for maritime purposes. |
Dr. Mark L. Lawall | Classics Department, University of Manitoba - Winnipeg Deep water survey and amphoras: A terrestrial ceramicist's point of view. |
Justin Leidwanger | Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A&M University, Graduate Group in Art & Archaeology of the Mediterranean World, University of Pennsylvania The Cypriot transport amphora: Notes on its development and distribution. |
Dr. Maria Constanza Lentini (photo), Dr. S. Savelli | Soprintendenza di Messina, Museo Archeologico Giardini Naxos, David J. Blackman (photo) | Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, University of Oxford Transport Amphoras from the Shipsheds of Sicilian Naxos ( 5th Century B.C.). |
Prof. Dr. Nili Liphschitz | Botanical Laboratories, Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, Prof. Dr. Cemal Pulak | Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A&M University Wood species used in ancient shipbuilding in Turkey as evident from dendroarchaeological studies. |
Paraskevi Micha | Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, Athens Amphora wrecks in the Aegean. |
Dr. Francesco Muscolino | Università di Messina Deposits of Early-Imperial amphorae from the harbour area of Naxos. |
Dr. Gloria Olcese | Dipartimento di Scienze archeologiche e storiche del mondo classico e orientale Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia Università di Roma La Sapienza Greco-Italic amphorae: Production and spread. |
Dr. Claudia Pizzinato (photo) | Nucleo di Archeologia Subacquea Centro Alto Adriatico (NAUSICAA), Venezia, Dr. Alessandra Toniolo | Soprintendenze Beni Archeologici del Veneto, Omar Eugenio Salmasi | Archeotecnica Ceramic materials used in building: The shore line works discovered in the beds of the Venice Lagoon. |
Dr. Luis Pons Pujol, Dr. Felix Teichner (photo) | Department de Prehistoria, Historia Antiga i Arqueologia, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona Roman sea trade across the Straits of Gibraltar. An ancient 'anti-economic' practice? |
Irena Radic Rossi | Croatian Conservation Institute, Underwater Archaeology Department, Zagreb The origin and function of the amphoras' spike. |
Wolfgang Schultheis (photo) | Oberhausen, Dr. Hélène Bernard, Départment des Recherches Archéologiques Subaquatiques et Sous-Marines [DRASSM] The Roman wreck at the Perduto reef, Corsica. |
Dr. Claudia Swart | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Arbeitsgruppe Anorganische Umweltanalytik, Berlin The course of an analysis with samples of a siliceous matrix exemplified with Roman tiles. |
Dr. Alessandra Toniolo | Soprintendenze Beni Archeologici del Veneto The cargo of the Grado 1 wreck: Re-use and recycling in Roman Imperial times. |
Dr. Ünsal Yalçın | Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Fachbereich Archäometallurgie The ship of Uluburun – Globalisation in the Late Bronze Age. |
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