
German English French Italian


Date: 18.10.1996

§1 - Name

The name of the society is
»Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Unterwasserarchäologie e.V.«

§2 - Head office

The head office is in Erlangen. It is registered as charitable organisation at the local district court (Amtsgericht Erlangen).

§3 - Aims

1. The aim of this organisation is the promotion of scholarly archaeological research in theory and practice. Only and exclusively charitable goals are aspired in the sense of the current definition of a charitable organisation. Another goal is the use of diving-technique and underwater working methods for research, and also specifically to

a. support underwater research in our region and other scholarly intitutions by means of personnel and logistics;
b. maintain cooperative links to other scientific diving groups and to promote the public spirit in our discipline.
2. In order to fulfill the goals stated above, our organisation could:
a. encourage, support and run research establishments
b. support excavations
c. form project groups
d. organise conferences and education
e. encourage, support and edit for publication
f. promote international cooperation in the field of underwater archaeology
g. to make available and maintain technical equipment for underwater archaeological research
h. establish and furnish archives and libraries
3. To these charitable goals all means of the organisation are bound. Income and surplus are exclusively for these charitable aims.
4. Members will not receive any share of profit and in their capacity of members no contribution from the financial means of the organisation.
5. This non-profit organisation has to act selfless, no economic goals are pursued.
6. The organisation may not promoter persons by means of administrative expenditure, which are alien to the goals of the organisation, nor through unusually high reimbursements.

§4 - Membership

1. Members of the organsiation can be natural or juristic persons.
2. Membership can be attained by the resolution of the executive comittee or by the majority decision of the general meeting. The application for membership must be submitted in writing.
3. Membership ceases with resignation, expulsion, death or dissolution of the organisation.
4. Resignations must be submitted in writing and takes effect from the end of the calendar year. The period of notice is 6 weeks minimum.
5. The expulsion of a member could be proposed by at least three members to the executive committee, if this member violates the goals, the statutes, the reputation or the resolutions of the organisation. Expulsion could be decided in the next general meeting by a relative majority.
6. Members are obliged to pay an annual contribution. The contribution rate is fixed in the general meeting with a relative majority. The annual contribution adheres to the calendar year.

§5 - Organs

1. The organs of the organisation are
a. general meeting
b. executive committee
c. areas of responsibilities.
2. The general meeting must be summoned annually. Moreover a general meeting must be summoned on other occasions when it is requested by at least one quarter of all members or three-quarters of the committee. The organisation must invite its members to the general meeting with an agenda enclosed at least 14 days in advance. The agenda and possible changes in the resolution could be accepted/declined by a relative majority. The chairman of each general meeting will be elected by the members. He/she decides upon the transcript writer. Transcripts of general meetings must be written, which shall be signed by the transcript writer and the chairman and which will be made public within the organisation. The presence of a quorum is on all general meetings possible, regardless of the number of present members. Votes are not transferable. Resolutions will be passed with relative majority. In the event of a tied vote, a petition will be declined. Change of the statutes and dissolution of the organisation are only possible if announced in the agenda; a majority of three-quarters is required for such a decision. If inquorate, a new general meeting must be convened in a period of 2-4 weeks the latest, which must be announced in writing. This general meeting would be quorate in any case, which must be pointed out in the second invitation. The general meeting elects the executive committee and approves the annual report, elects 2 auditors and decides upon the programme for action of the organisation.
3. The executive committee is made up of
a. the president
b. the director
c. the vice director
d. the secretary
e. the treasurer
He/she is elected by the general meeting for 2 years and, as every individual member, can be voted out by means of a relative majority. Re-elction is possible. If a member (with responsibility) leaves the organisation, the committee may appoint another member for the remaining legislative period. The executive committee administers the business of the organisation. Executive committee i.e. according to §26 BGB the president and director. Both of them are individually authorized for the representation by him-/herself. The secretary administers the office. Members of the committee act in a honorary capacity; the reimbursement of necessary expenses is permissible. The treasurer administers the finances of the organisation, the book-keeping about the income and he/she draws up the minutes of the committee.

§6 - Dissolution

The decision on the dissolution of the organisation can only be made by the general meeting. In the event of a dissolution, the organsiation assets will be given to: Arbeitskreis Historischer Schiffbau e.V., 59929 Brilon-Cudenhagen, Rübezahlweg 21, Germany; registered at Amtsgericht Düsseldorf No.4645 and Finanzamt Bingen, Tax-No.0800104543

Stand: 12.2.2013

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