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NAS Course 2019


Archaeological diving course of the DEGUWA in Bonn
A report by Luisa Goldammer

The compact course NAS Intro and NAS I took place in Bonn on March 23rd and 23rd 2019. In the course of the archaeological introduction, the participants not only gained insights into the diversity of land and underwater archaeology, but were also familiarised with the methodological principles of dating, the determination of stratigraphy and the adequate handling of archaeological objects.

The theoretical introduction to recording, measuring and documenting finds finally led to the practical part of the course. First on land, then under water, the participants were allowed to practice the documentation and surveying methods (overview sketch, trilateration, offset, cross bearing) in a professional environment in the swimming pool of the Olympic base in Bonn and to show what they had learned. The subsequent documentation and description of the archaeological objects in drawings was convincingly implemented by the NAS students.

Lively technical discussions during a joint dinner rounded off the first evening, before the second part of the course began the next day with further insights into various conservation methods and ethical issues. The joint final round with a summary and debate about future participation possibilities in underwater archaeology concluded the compact course.

We would like to thank the Schwimm- und Sportfreunde Bonn for the friendly support and provision of the workspace as well as the Olympiastützpunkt Bonn.

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