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Programme preview

  complete programme (Stand 07.03.2018) subject to modification

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alle Fotos: DEGUWA/Mathias Orgeldinger
Christoph Schäfer, Stellv. Direktor, DEGUWA e.V.
opening lecture  
Bartelheim, Martin und Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Waters as a resource
Kamlah, Jens; Orendi, Andrea
Between Sea and Land I: Coastal Resource Networks at the Phoenecian Settlement of Tell el-Burak (Lebanon)
Cakirlar, Canan; Miles, Aimee; Koolstra, Francis
Between Sea and Land II: Marine (and Terrestrial) Faunal Resource Use at Tell el-Burak (Lebanon)
Fantalkin, Alexander
Ashdod-Yam on the Israeli Mediterranean Coast: ongoing Archaeological Investigation (Israel)
Tal, Oren; Sivan, Dorit; Vunsh, Reuven
Coastal Wells as Past-Sea Level Indicators:A test Case from Israel
Loizou, Eugenia; Nakoinz, Oliver
Bronze Age Harbours in the Aegean. Usage and Exploitation of the Landscape
Sossau, Veronica
From axeinos to euxeinos: Pontic Waters as a Resource in Context to the "Great Greek Colonisation"
  Germoni, Paola; Ghelli, Alexandra; Rosa, Carlo; Botta Roberto; Laudiero, Francesco; Luglio, Ciampaolo
Palaeoenvironmental evolution of the area between the roman age coastline in front of Ostia and the eastern side of Isola Sacra (Ostia, Italy)
Harun Ozdas; Nilhan Kizildag
Maritime cultural resources of the northwestern Aegean Sea, Turkey
Schön, Frerich
Two Faces of Mediterranean Insularity: Connectivity and Isolation as Resources for Island Communities in the Strait of Siciliy
Tusa, Sebastiano; Anzidei, Marco; La Rocca Roberto
A submerged Roman Pier at Lipari (Aeolian Islands, Siciliy)
Wintjes, Jorit
A Harbour Fit for an Ironclad Fleet - The Creation of the World's Greatest Artifical Harbour in the 19th c.
Pydyn, Andrzej; Popek, Mateusz; Maciejewski, Jakub
Island of Political and Spiritual Power - Archaeological Discoveries near a Small Island of the Lake Lodigowo
Tiboni, Francesco
Living by the Lake - the Garda Lake: a Small Sea
  -presented by Francesco Tiboni-
Sanna, Laura
Water as the Trading Route. Evidence of "Maritime" Commerce on the Garda Lake (Northern Italy)
Verdonkschot, Jadranka
Interpreting Neolithic Thoughts by the Lakeside. A Theoretical, Interdisciplinary Approach to the Question: Why People Settled Lacustrine Environment in Neolithic Europe?
Schmitt, Felicitas
Down by the River. The Embedding of Settlements within the Prehistoric landscape of Central Spain
  Capulli, Massimo; Pellegrini, Alessandro
Underwater Urban Archaeological Heritage. A Project for Treviso City (Italy)
Friedman, Zaraza
The Origin of the Personification and the Attributes of the Rivers of Paradise with Specific Reference to the Rivers of Paradise Depicted in the Mosaic Floor of Church A at Hadrianopolis, Paphlagonia, Turkey
Negueruela, Iván; Castillo; Recio, Patricia; Sierra, Juan Luis; Diaz, Jose Ignacio
Deep Waters Archaeology. The Third Archaeological Campaign in "La Mercedes" Shipwreck in August 2017. Depth: 1.138m
Liphschitz, Nili; Radic-Rossi, Irena; Pulak, Cemal; Ruff, Dave
The Determination of Wood Species Used for Construction for the Roman Ship Found at Trstenik (Gulf of Kastela, Croatia)
Oliveri, Francesca; La Rocca, Roberto
Tales from Ancient Ships; Remarks on Inscribed and Decorated Anchor Stocks from Sicilian Seabeds
Öniz, Hakan
New Results from Dana Island Ship Yard and Recently Found Shipwrecks from Cicilia Region
Scholz, Roman
Graben, Dokumentieren, Bergen: Digitale Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Schiffswracks
Public Festive Evening Lecture
Martin Mainberger: A Neolithic Waterscape - Archaeological Discoveries of the "Beyond Lake Villages" Project in the Westallgäu (Germany)
Water Supply and Water Use
Pustovoytov, K.; Riehl, S.; Kamlah, Jens
Disentangling Natural Availability from Management of Water Resources in Landscapes of the Ancient Near East
Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, Ruhollah
Water Management System in Qanat. An example of Yazd (Iran)
Seefeld, Nicolaus
Sociopolitical and Economic Relevance of Water Management in Classic Maya Society
Stefanile, Michele
Aquatio: Some Considerations on the Use of Freshwater in the Roman Sea Fishponds
Palmowski, Valerie
Waters, an Omnipresent and Constantly Used Food Resource in the Viking Age?
  presented by Sandra Teuber
Scholz, Anke
Challenging Conditions - Waters as a Resource for Supply Systems around Medieval Castles in the Swabian Jura
  Vossler-Wolf, Christina
Aqua Viva and the Monk in the Pond - Multi-dimensional Water Use in Medieval Monastries
Dierksmeier, Laura
A Cultural History of Fresh Island Water in Early Modern Spain
all Fotos: DEGUWA/Mathias Orgeldinger
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