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In Poseidon's Realm XXI

Underwater archaeology - interdisciplinary approaches and technical innovations

From of April 2016, the 21. DEGUWA conference "In Poseidons Realm" took place in Dresden in close co-operation with the Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony.

Technical innovations, changing the work of underwater archaeologists, and current issues of interdisciplinary approaches were the major focus of this year's conference. With more than
40 referees from 14 countries it was a stimulating and interesting scientific exchange event.

In two additional exclusive seminars - "geology for underwater archaeologist" at the renowned
Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg and "waterlogged wood" at Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony - participants had the opportunity for further training, discussions and insight in the work of the institutes. 


Abstracts - Gallery - Partners and Sponsors - Program - Commitee

Katerina Dellaporta Katerina Dellaporta
Methodology: Deontology, ethics and practice in underwater archaeology

Wirtschafts-, Technik- und Kulturgeschichte
Averdung, Denise
Chair meets ship - Wood Connection Techniques in Comparison
Belasus, Mike et. al.
Between North Sea and Norwegian Sea – Interdisciplinary Studies on the trade of the Hanse in the North Atlantic
Daehnhardt, Hans Wilhelm und Hristov, Hristomir
Der Sturm der Seevölker und die Seeschlacht im Nil-Delta
Ritondale, Manuela et al.
The Roman shipwreck of Punta dell’Arco (Ventotene) and the lead transport in the late Republic


Rösch, Felix
The late 11th c. Schleswig waterfront – infrastructure and organization of a major trading port between Viking Age and Hanseatic League
  Bekić, Luka and Scholz, Roman
Fotobasierte Dokumentationsmethoden in der limnischen und maritimen Archäologie, A Case Study of a Shipwreck off Veruda Island

Enzmann, Jonas and Wilkes, Feiko
How to document a wreck that you barely see? Advantages of Structure from Motion in waters with visibility less than one meter
  Olkhovskiy, Sergey
Acoustic Profiling in Phanagoria water area in 2012-2015

Demesticha, Stella
Amphorae as cargoes: from drawings to 3D models
  Skarlatos, Dimitrios and Savvidou, Eleni
Coastal Survey of archaeological sites using drones

Zazzaro, Chiara, Romolo Loreto and Enzo Cocca
3D Surveying of an Eighteenth-Century Merchantman off the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia
Rekonstruktion und Geoinformationssysteme 
  Pellegrini, Alessandro
GIS technology as a support for the interpretation of submerged sites and the reconstruction of ancient environment


Sciancalepore, Antonia and Severi, E.
New computer technologies applied to the underwater archaeology of Lake Bolsena (Lazio - Italy)

Zmaić Kralj, Vesna; Macura, Jerko and Miholjek, Igor
Underwater Archaeology in Croatia – Scientific diving methods used in underwater research and surveys
Prozessierung und Datenverarbeitung
  Capulli, Massimo
In situ preservation: An archaeological and engineering project in the upper Adriatic Sea


Neophytou, Andonis
Managing digital mistakes: restructuring the documentation system of the Mazotos shipwreck site
Denkmalpflege und Öffentlichkeitswahrnehmung
  Berger, Olivier
How can we better preserve the finds and make underwater archaeology more accessible to the public?

Tusa, Sebastiano
The wide role of technology in the management of Underwater Cultural Heritage. Sicilian case studies
Regionen und Sites
  Kulesza, Wojciech
Interdisciplinary research of site Żółte in Poland
  Reinfeld, Michaela
News from the Red Sea – The Underwater Archaeology Project of the University of Marburg
  Semaan, Lucy
Surveying the waters of Anfeh, Lebanon: preliminary results and future prospects
  Cvikel, Deborah
A multidisciplinary research project based on underwater archaeology
  Negueruela, Iván et al.
After the Odyssey spoil: the archaeological Campaign of August-2015 in "La Mercedes", at 1.200 m depth
Prokhorov Roman Yuryevich, Galaida Igor Valerievich, Lukoshkov Andrey Vasilyevich
Excavation and conservation of the German ship ‘Archangel Raphael’
  Liphschitz, Nili and and Gluscevic, Smiljan
Zaton Boat 2, Croatia: A Dendroarchaeological Investigation


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