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This is what participants say...

"First of all, I would like to congratulate to all the Commite for the great job that you have already done."

"Es hat mir Spaß gemacht, mal wieder zu helfen und alte Bekannte zu treffen. Ihr habt euch viel Arbeit gemacht und das Ergebnis kann sich echt sehen lassen. Jetzt wünsche ich euch erst mal eine ruhige Zeit und gute Erholung. Danke für alles und Grüße…"

"This is just to thank you for a wonderful conference organization. The program was very interesting and I have learned many new things.
Best wishes,…"

"…just a few words to say thank you for this extraordinary DEGUWA congress.
IPR XX was a real success: location, accommodation, atmosphere, papers, everything was perfect…"

"…ich möchte mich noch mal für die freundliche Einladung bedanken und zu der
wirklich gelungenen Tagung gratulieren. Es waren einige sehr interessante
Vorträge dabei, und das Rahmenprogramm sowie die Bewirtung waren

"Moreover, I would like to congratulate you on your great work. I am really grateful for participating in your conference and I would like to have the chance to continue in it…"

"I would like to thank you for your kind organization. 
I've never been in Nuremberg before and it was a big surprise; it's a wonderful city! And the location too (hotel, museum) was very nice."
"DEGUWA worked usual…"
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