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Notes for Contributors

Skyllis: Aims and areas of work

The SKYLLIS journal was named after the famous Greek diver, of whom we know by tradition, that he recovered valuable artefacts from the seabed in 480 B.C. 


According to the aims of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Unterwasserarchäologie e.V." (DEGUWA), SKYLLIS serves the exchange of results from international underwater archaeological research projects. Moreover it involves the discussion on methodologies and the informing and education of wider circles of interested people. A special interest of SKYLLIS is to create a bridge between archaeologists and sport-divers. The term Underwater Archaeology is rooted quite widely and exceeds over the mere concept of the combination of diving with archaeology. It encompasses all historic and prehistoric periods and is not only limited to the European influenced parts of the world.

The most important results of research are water-crafts of all kinds, their shape, building technology, equipping and handling, but also their cargo and through shipping encouraged cultural exchange, henceforth also structures in or at the water like harbours and landing places, civil and military fortifications, settlements, bridges, navigation marks, implements of fishery, or to put it in a nutshell: Basically everything that had an impact on the life of human-beings on rivers, lakes and the sea and that influenced the culture in a special way.

Furthermore anthropological and ethnological questions, customs, traditions, celebrations and religious ideas of maritime cultures shall be considered, but also geological, biological and other methods borrowed from other sciences. Other important aspects are new methods and techniques in diving and underwater archaeological research and not at least the problems encountered in protecting the underwater cultural heritage.

Articles that focus on surveys and excavations (incl. interim ones), analyses of finds, evaluations of typologies, descriptions of historical developments, studies on iconographic, written and other sources, and accounts on research-projects, museums, other research institutions and technical innovations. We also welcome new challenges to long disputed issues, reports of congresses, news about the development of policies for the protection of the underwater cultural heritage and book-reviews. 


No responsibility is accepted by the DEGUWA or the editors for opinions expressed by contributors. The author is fully responsible for content and quotes and, moreover, for the permission to publish or to reproduce it. The editors reserve the right to accept/reject any of the received contributions and to make suggestions for alteration that might become necessary to make contributions conform to the editorial standards of the SKYLLIS journal.

Guidelines for SKYLLIS authors

For publication in SKYLLIS we accept only contributions which are not otherwise published or submitted for publication. For the quality management, all contributions are reviewed by the editor, the members of the academic board of SKYLLIS and by additional reviewers. Authors are kindly asked to send:


Text (in German or English) up to 5000 words (for a longer text please contact the editor), an abstract of up to 200 words, in English (and, if possible, in German), full name(s), address and Email of the author(s). Please make sure that English texts are in correct English, as the editor cannot edit this.


Illustrations numbered in one series in their order of mention in the text. Illustrations should be named using the following system: author name_fig. xx.tif. Please, make sure that illustrations are of sufficient quality for print.


The citation guidelines and the requirements for the quality of images follow those of the DAI available at:

Text and illustrations can be sent on CD/DVD or by e-mail (e.g. by wetransfer) but separated (please don’t insert the illustrations into the text document).

The publisher will send proofs to the author for corrections. After publication you will receive an author’s copy of the whole volume and a digital offprint (pdf).


Please, send your paper to:

Prof. Dr. Winfried Held

Philipps-Universität Marburg

Archäologisches Seminar

Biegenstr. 11

D-35032 Marburg

Fax 06421-28 28977

Tel. 06421-28 22314

For enquiries regarding layout, software and graphics: 

Frau Dr. Claudia Greiner, Bernhard A. Greiner Verlag, Silcherstr. 14, D-73630 Weinstadt; Tel. 07151-27 66 45;

Here are the guidelines for contributions in SKYLLIS for download.

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