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In Poseidons Realm XVII


2012 | 31.3.-1.4.12 Stralsund

From March 31 through April 1, 2012, the international conference "In Poseidon's Realm XVII", hosted by the OZEANEUM at Stralsund, took place. The main topic was "Naval Battles - Historical monuments and Sources of Maritime Warfare - From Thalassocracy to the Battle in the Moon Sound". 34 experts coming from ten countries presented their latest results of research.

Besides the academic part of lectures, experts in historic preservation as well as underwater archaeologists discussed in public the present situation of the protection and preservation of the underwater heritage in Germany in comparison with the other states
adjacent to the Baltic Sea.

The participants of the conference
unanimously passed a call on the parliamentary groups of the German Bundestag to ratify as soon as possible the UNESCO Convention 2001. Suggested by the organizers of the conference and supported by their partner organizations, this appeal has been sent in mid-April 2012 to the parliamentary groups in the German Bundestag.

Abstracts - Gallery - Press - Partners & Sponsors





Section 1 – Antike
  Hristomir S. Hristov
Die Seeschlacht im Nil-Delta
Boris Mijat
Schwimmer und Ertrinkende, Gefallene und Wasserleichen. Betrachtungen zum Seekrieg und zur Seenot in der geometrischen Vasenmalerei des 8. Jhs.v.Chr.
Constantin Müller
Der Weg zur Seemacht beginnt an Land
Alec Tilley
Naval Battles on the Ancient Mediterranean
Denis Averdung - Ralph Pedersen
The Marsala Punic Warships: New Research on Old Ships on behalf of theirfunction
Octavian Bounegrou
Hegesagoras Monimou, nauarchos autokrator from Histria and the naval war between Messembria and Apollonia Pontica (2nd century B.C.)
Maria C. Lentini - David Blackman
A naval monument from North-East Sicily
  Hanz G. Martin
Hellenistische Seesiegdenkmäler
Christoph Schäfer
Schlacht von Actium – Ein Sieg des Antonius?
Section 2 - Middle Ages
Eva Grossmann
Naval support to Crusaders Battles in the Holy Land at Arsuf (1099 and 1191)
Thomas Förster
Die strategische Lage der Insel Rügen in den historischen Quellen und im maritimen Fundmaterial
Baruch Rosen, (Ehud Galili) 
A 15th Century Wreck of a Cannons-carrying Ship from Atlit North bay, Israel
Christian Peplow
Hansische Seekriege des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts.
Alltag – Wirklichkeit – Mythos 
  Section 3 – Swedish war 1564 - 1720
Fred Hocker
Swedish warships 1564-1720
Johan Rönnby (-Jonathan Adams)
The “Kravel” from 1525. From Medieval to Modern:
Ships, power and agency in the development of modern Europe
  Patrik Höglund - Richard Lundgren
MARS – the history and discovery of a legendary Swedish warship from 1564.
Tassilo Schmitt
Seeschlacht bei Salamis und griechische Geschichte
Lars Einarsson
KRONAN – warship, society and underwater resting place
Joakim Holmlund, (Niklas Eriksson,Carl Douglas)
Battle of southern Öland revisited – an archaeology of naval action
Trevor Draeseke - Patrik Höglund
Dygden archaeological survey of a Chapman built ship of the line
Section 4 – modern period
Sieghard Wagener
597, Seekrieg in Asien mit bedeutender politischer Auswirkung
Mike Belasus
About Ships, War and Green Gold: New results about old ship finds from Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
Holger Schweitzer (-Jens Auer)
The wreck of the PRINSESSAN HEDVIG SOPHIA: The archaeology and history of a Swedish ship oft he line during the Great Northern War
Jana Heinze
Mönchgut67 – Ein Schiff aus der schwedischen Schiffssperre von 1715 am Eingang zum Greifswalder Bodden
Jens-Peter Schmidt (- Sunhild Kleingärtner)
Schiffe vor Dranske (Rügen). Eine Momentaufnahme
Joachim Krüger
Die Seeschlacht vor Wittow 1712 und die Schiffssperre im Greifswalder Bodden von 1715. Historische Hintergründe - neue Erkenntnisse
Andrey Lukoshkov
Reconstruction of major episodes of Vyborg battle from June 20-24, 1790 in terms of lost ships finds
Petr Sorokin
Vyborg Sea battle 1790. Some results of archaeological research
Lars Ericson
“Asset or burden?“ Pommern and the Swedish navy during the Great Northern War
Lena Moser: “In sailor’s apparel I’ll dress and go with you…“: Women and the Naval Warfare of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars
Innes McCartney: The Shipwrecks of the Battle of Jutland 1916
Kai Schaake: Workshop an der Schiffssperre 1715

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