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Denkmalgerechtes Tauchen, Unterwasserarchäologie, Wracktauchen. Spezialkurse zur Tauchausbildung

Shipwrecks are not only fascinating dive locations, but also expressive sources for archaeological research. They are part of the rich underwater cultural heritage, which has been preserved in our rivers, lakes and coastal waters. Read more >


Schutz des Kulturerbes unter Wasser

In cooperation with the DEGUWA the Archaeological State Museum of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has published the IKUWA-1 proceedings: Schutz des Kulturerbes unter Wasser. Veränderungen europäischer Lebenskultur durch Fluß- und Seehandel. Beiträge zum Internationalen Kongreß für Unterwasserarchäologie (IKUWA '99).´ Read more >


In Poseidons Reich - Archäologie unter Wasser

The chronological framework for the papers presented in this volume ranges from 5th century BC, when the Greek Skyllias dived for sunken wrecks, to recent investigations in shallow and deep water. Read more >


Der heilige Anker von Lavezzi

Corsica - since millenia the breakers roll onto the shores of the fourth largest island of the Mediterranean. And since man went to sea many ships were overwhelmed by the forces of nature over and over again. The knowledge of archaeologists about the construction and use of ships in Antiquity is still limited. Read more >

Stand: 12.2.2013

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