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In Poseidons Reich XV | Voices

Ich wollte mich bedanken für den herzlichen Empfang, für die liebe Atmosphäre die da herrschte und eigentlich alles. Und hauptsächlich, dass wir uns wieder einmal getroffen haben.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen und Dank.

Thank you very much for enabling me to participate in this conference, and for your kind hospitality. I very much enjoyed the conference, and my grandfather is very happy with the Schnapps - he said it is excellent!
Warm regards.

I would like to thank you again for the “In Poseidons Reich XV”. It was an interesting conference, well organized and fruitful. I'm grateful for giving our students the chance to participate and to present their works.
We enjoyed it very much.
Thank you!!

I would like to thank you for letting me take part at the Deguwa conference. The conference was very interesting, the hospitality was wonderful, I enjoyed very much. I’m sorry we couldn’t take part at the last reception due to flight schedule.

Vielen Dank für die Ankündigung unseres Kongresses in Wien.

Thanks a lot for all you have done for me during my staying in Vienna.
It was a very successful Symposium.
Stay in touch, all the best.

Thank you for the nice conference and the great hospitality that I always feel on the DEGUWA meetings.

Es war noch ein schöner Abschluss im Weingut, wie mein alter Deutschlehrer zu sagen pflegte "ein schöner Schluss ziert alles"...
Wie immer war es viel zu schnell herum, und es war schön, mal wieder alle zu treffen.
Merci an dieser Stelle nochmal für deine viele Mühe!
Viele Grüsse und bis zum nächsten Mal

I would like to thank you and the organizing committee for the opportunity to take part in the conference “In Poseidon’s Realm XV”.
It was a pleasant and useful experience and gave me chance to meet some colleagues working in the same field as mine.
Thank you once again!

It was a great pleasure to attend the DEGUWA congress 'Byzanz zur See' in Vienna. I appreciated the lectures and posters and got interesting information from other participants about sailing routes in Byzantine times.
Best regards

Many thanks for everything;
your good willing and collaboration for your help and for the Schnaps.
Alles Gute

Herzlichen Dank für die Nachricht und den schönen und überaus harmonischen Kongress. Liebe Grüße

Danke für alles, wie wunderbar alles organisiert wurde, wie herzlich wir aufgenommen waren, es war über jeder Erwartung.

Vielen Dank, auch für die Organisation der Konferenzen.

I must tell you that Vienna was a wonderful journey and experience for me, also it was pleasure for me to meet and to be part of all that people who work underwater archeology.
Thank you once again for the invitation, and hope see you soon:
all the best,

Vielen Dank für die tolle Konferenz, mir hat es wie immer Spaß gemacht!

I would like to express my total gratitude for organizing such magnificent conference and for allowing me to present a humble paper

Danke auch für die wunderbaren Tage in Wien, ich bin noch ganz erfüllt vom Gesamterlebnis! Der Ort für die DEGUWA war ein ganz besonderer! Toll, dass Du diese Kontakte hast und Ihr alles so umfangreich organisiert habt.

Thank you for organizing such a stimulating meeting.
They remind me of the wonderful time I had at the conference.

Many thanks for the wonderful meeting in Vienna. Although (of course) I knew DEGUWA all these years, this was the first time I had the opportunity to attend a conference and I will plan to do so as often as possible from now on

Vielen Dank für die schönen Tage in Wien

Thank you very much for this excellent opportunity to participate in the conference which has been well-organized and very efficient. I hope we will have another opportunity to meet again either in Vienne or during other conferences.

Ich habe diese Veranstaltung in allerbester Erinnerung und gratuliere Ihnen und Herrn Professor Börker ganz herzlich dazu. Organisation und Durchführung waren exzellent.

It was a nice conference and we all had a great time.  We are grateful for all the time and effort you and your colleagues have invested in putting together what I think was a very successful meeting.

Hat mir sehr gut gefallen, war gerne da und bewundere Euer Engagement.
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