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In Poseidons Reich XV

2010 | 19.-21.02.10 Vienna


This year the old-established Natural Historic Museum Vienna provided the frame for the 15th conference of the German Association for the  Promotion of Underwater Archaeology (DEGUWA e.V.) in collaboration with the Greek Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities of the Cyclades, the Institute for Byzantine Studies and Modern Greek Language and Literature of the University of Vienna, the Department of Prehistoric and
Medieval Archaeology of the University of Vienna
and the Austrian Association for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology, Research Group for Maritime Archaeology. The topic of the conference " Byzantium at Sea. Innovation and Tradition " was introduced by several national and international lecturers and a survey of the current research could be given.
On the topics of „Byzantium at Sea: Innovation and Tradition“ and „Recent Studies in Underwater Archaeology“ 27 papers were read giving a broad overview over the actual research.
More than 140 guests from 19 countries took part in the conference.
We also had the honor of receiving Mrs. Dörte Lempcke, Dept. of Culture and Protocol of the Ambassy of the Federal Republic of Germans at Vienna, as well as the Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Thessaly,  Greece, Mr. Georgios Paparrizos.
In addition, the opportunity was given to participate in guided tours through both the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Military History at Vienna.
Besides the academic part of the conference very special fringe events were the receptions during the opening of the poster show in the Institute for Byzantine Studies and Modern Greek Language and Literature and in the cupola hall of the Museum for Natural History as well as the dinner in a typical Austrian wine tavern at invitation of the City of Vienna.
Please find further information on the lectures as well as some visual impressions and first voices on the conference by simply clicking on the right-hand side Poseidon icon.

Sengul Aydingün – Hakan Oniz (Foto)
The Excavation of  the Harbours of Istanbul Bathonea.

Andrea Babuin – Yannis Nakas (Foto)
Byzantine ship graffiti from the church of Prophet Elias in Thessaloniki.
Ofra Barkai
The Tantura F Shipwreck: A case study of trade in the eastern Mediterranean between the mid-7th and the end of the 8th centuries AD.
Ronald Bockius
Zur Rekonstruktion einer mittelbyzantinischen Dromone des 10./11. Jahrhunderts.
Carlos Cabrera
Nautical Evidences from Byzantium in Seville, Spain.
Elena Flavia Castagnino-Berlinghieri – Andrea Parbieri (Foto)
Byzantine Merchant Ships and Marble Trade from Central Mediterranean: New Data.
Deborah Cvikel
Dor C Shipwreck: An Ottoman period merchantman from Dor Lagoon, Israel.
Katerina Dellaporta
Underwater Archaeology of Byzantine Greece.
Stella Demesticha (Foto) – Elias Spondylis
The Hellenic Institute of Marine Archaeology Survey Project at Pagasitikos Gulf, Greece: the Late Roman and Byzantine wrecks.
Alkiviadis Ginalis (Foto) – Marina Livadioti
The Provincial Harbours of Hellas and Thessaly in the Byzantine Period. - The Question of Roman Heritage and its Importance for Byzantium.
Eva Grossmann
Apollonia and its Harbours.
Florian Huber
Unterwasserarchäologie in Cenoten und gefluteten Höhlensystemen Mexikos.
Eyal Israeli
Tantura E, hull construction report.
Yaacov Kahanov
Shipwrecks dated to the second half of the 1st millennium CE from Dor Lagoon, Israel.
Ewald Kislinger
"Der Stolz der Romania". Zur Rolle des Byzantinischen Reiches als Seemacht.
Işil Özsait Kocabaş
The Yenikapi 12 Shipwreck: A Local Trading Vessel from Middle Byzantine Age.
Ufuk Kocabaş
Istanbul University Yenikapi Byzantine Shipwrecks Project.
MC Lentini
A Byzantine anchor from Naxos Bay.
Rika Navri
Dor 2006 Shipwreck.
Harun Özdas
Byzantine shipwrecks discovered along Aegean sea coast of Turkey.

Anne-Kathrin Piele
Die genähte Rumpfbauweise. Ein Vergleich innerhalb Europas.
Cemal Pulak
The Construction of the Yassiada 7th-century A.D. Shipwreck, Reconsidered.
Alexander Rubel
Zur ökonomischen und fiskalischen Bedeutung des Bosporus in byzantinischer Zeit.
Vassil Tenekedjiev
Import of Marble Architectural Components in Odessos, 4th- 6th century.
Jeroen L. Vermeersch
Meinerswijk rediscovered.
Shelley Wachsmann
Innovation in Ship Construction at Tantura Lagoon, Israel: Results of the INA/CMS Joint Expedition.

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