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SKYLLIS - Journal for Underwater Archaeology


SKYLLIS is the journal of the German Society for the Promotion of Underwater Archaeology (DEGUWA). It appears periodically in print since September 1998 in succession of the DEGUWA-newsletter. Indices of contents of the volumes are available in our online-archive.

All »In Poseidons Reich« conference proceedings are published in our SKYLLIS journal. If you aim to contribute to the next volume, please refer to the notes for contributors for further guidance. All articles are published with German and English abstracts. Manuscripts submitted in French, Italian or Dutch - however - will be translated into German.

Here is the current register (1998 - 2022) in PDF and here on our website.

Skyllis 22­ – Year 2022

"Protection of the underwater cultural heritage ist more urgent than ever!
Panel discussion on the occasion of the conference "In Poseidon's Realm XXVIII" on the topic "Protecting the underwater cultural heritage - a challenge"
Peter Winterstein


Nachruf auf Olaf Höckmann

Christoph Börker – Peter Winterstein


The Location of the Coastline of the Northern Anchorage Area of Caesarea 

during the Late Roman and Early Byzantine Periods

Ofra Barkai – Roy Jaijel – Jacov Sharvit – Beverley Goodman-Tchernov


Ein außergewöhnlicher Fund: das Schiffswrack bei Kap Franina

Luka Bekic – Maja Kaleb – Roko Suric – Zdenka Vrgoc


What was the Function of Hillforts on the Sea Routes of the Eastern Adriatic ?

Jelena Celebic


Changing Landscapes and Early Maritime Crossings 

The Case of the Northern Aegean Area

Areti Chalkioti – Vasiliki Ivrou


Nautical Landscapes of the Kupa River in Croatia

Anton Divic


Searching for the Oldest Submerged Settlement of the Aegean on the Island 

of Agios Petros in Alonnisos, Greece

Nikos Efstratiou – Andreas Sotiriou – Olga Koukousioura – Panagiotis Tokmakidis – Cathy Giangrande


New Insights into the Siege of Motya 

and the Environment and Extent of the Battle at the Lo Stagnone Lagoon

Max Fiederling – Ronja Fink – Francesca Oliveri


The Journeys of Apostle Paul as a Medium for Religious Expansion

Luisa Goldammer


Ammunition on Wrecks

Researching Militar Wrecks in the German Bight

Philipp Grassel


Nine Millenia of Geographical and Historical Changes of the Eastern

Mediterranean Coast, Illustrated by ‘Maritime Apollonia’

Eva Grossmann


Widening the Scope

The Zomia Concept as an Approach to Integrate Non-Spaces and Their Occupants in the

Roman Empire

Pascal Hoffmann


The New Exhibition Hall for the Underwater Archaeology of the Eastern Black

Sea Coast at the Batumi Archaeological Museum, Georgia

Emzar Kakhidze – Teona Zoidze


Submerged Heritage – Diving into the Istrian Underwater

Ida Koncani Uhac


Modern Era Underwater Finds in the Holdings of the Archaeological Museum of Istria

Aleksandra Mahic Sinovcic


A Harbourless Sea?

Harbours and the Maritime Cultural Landscape of the Hellenistic and Roman Aegean

Ioannis Nakas


A Bronze Age Shipwreck Deposit in the Gulf of Hisarönü, Turkey: 

Preliminary Results

Harun Özdas


Im Mahlstrom der Geschichte

Schiffswracks, Wrackteile und Strandgut im Nordfriesischen Wattenmeer

Daniel Zwick

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